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Sky Computing wykracza poza wszystkie współczesne paradygmaty obliczeniowe, umożliwiając i ustanawiając połączenie zasobów, pamięci masowej i aplikacji od wielu dostawców usług chmurowych, aby stworzyć rozproszoną infrastrukturę na dużą skalę, która jest całkowicie niezależna od dostawcy.
Rozwiązanie do transformacji biznesowej, które pozwala firmom na przekształcenie starszych systemów w usługi oparte na chmurze za ułamek kosztów i czasu istniejących rozwiązań… bez ogromnego bólu związanego z wdrażaniem.
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Sky Computing transcends all of today’s computing paradigms by enabling and establishing a fusion of resources, storage, and applications, from multiple cloud providers, to create large scale distributed infrastructures, that is completely vendor agnostic.
Our partner Scala4 developed a migration solution using the Friend OS to digitalize a decades-old Cobol technology stack at a fraction of the cost and time.
One client delivers a set of HR applications to multiple locations through the Friend Workspace, our virtual computing platform, saving thousands on device provisioning and maintenance.
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Friend can simultaneously be deployed on any or all public cloud providers worldwide. The Sky Computing Platform then unifies ALL of these distributed deployments into a logical centralized workspace, in a fully decentralized manner, completely and transparently.
While seamlessly exposing and providing access to ANY cloud, ANY application (Windows, Linux, Mac, Legacy, and Cloud), ANY storage, and ANY smart device, all while ensuring complete security, privacy, and protection.
See our solutions
The Friend OS liberates you from Big Tech: It gives you control to create, collaborate, store and share information, data and content across all your devices in a secure private environment and access it anywhere on any device. And there’s nothing Big Tech can do about it.
Freedom is the driving force of our time. Freedom is the driving force of peace. But freedom is under assault.
Friend is ready to instigate a global movement among like-minded individuals, developers and businesses to protect freedom by spreading its technology far and wide, turning over the ownership of technology to users themselves.
Our customers are leading the movement.
Read more about the Friend OS
We have established a broad network of partners and customers to allow us to combine Friend with other great technologies.
Would you like to join our partnership program? We are actively seeking partners – both business- as well as technology partners. Please send an e-mail to and we will set up a conference call.
Friend is easy to reach, and we would love to hear from you! We are available through many different channels, both realtime and by e-mail. Follow the link below to find the right channel.
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